Casey Hayes Massage
Finding Balance Through Bodywork



Mission Statement: 

 Awareness, Unity, Acceptance, and Curiosity. My mission is to welcome you wherever you are on your own unique path toward sustainable and abundant well-being. I invite you into a therapeutic relationship of co-creation, discovery, and healing. We will work together to grow awareness of, and trust in, a deepening relationship with your own Wise Body. 


Welcome To Wellness!

My practice is grounded in a belief that an embodied sense of well-being is achievable and accessible for everyone. Feeling good, and safe, in your body is your birthright. Wellness and true healing begins with cultivation of a deeper and more intimate relationship with the wise Body we each inhabit. We all deal with patterns and programming that were adaptive at one time but no longer support our best life. Discovering and relating to these patterns is the way to move beyond them.  As you learn to listen to your Body with greater fluency, curiosity, and compassion, your Body becomes an ally, a co-creator, and a source of support in your life. 

Focused Presence and deep listening, both verbally and somatically (body-oriented), are foundational to building relationship. Having no agenda other than Healing, as defined by the client, the therapeutic bubble becomes a safe space for allowing transformation that occurs through the Body and then moves beyond.

Bringing the tools and training of Polarity therapy, Inner Relationship Focusing, massage therapy, among others, I offer clients practical knowledge, clear insight, and focused attention to support you on your unique path, without expectation or judgment. Touch therapy weaves into this work when appropriate and supportive. 


What is....?

What is FOCUSING? 
Focusing is a research-based, body-oriented (somatic) exploration that supports a deepening relationship with what is held in, and expressed through the Body. Psychotherapist/ philosopher, Eugene Gendlin, observed that "success or failure" in therapy were primarily attributed to certain behaviors he observed in certain clients during therapy. Gendlin took the behaviors he observed in clients experiencing "success" in therapy, and deconstructed these skills into a step-based, accessible, and teachable process. Through cultivating a deepening Presence, we can listen and get to know those subtle (and not so subtle) places of holding, pain, tension, and resistance in a safe and spacious way. In other words, speaking FROM the experience, rather than about the experience. Practicing these skills allows for these places and "parts" to unwind, untangle, and integrate. Focusing is a powerful tool for resolving chronic pain, blocks, and places we feel “stuck”. In a Focusing session, clients are guided in a safe and resourced way, into their inner "landscape". Skills are taught and supported to cultivate a deep and compassionate relationship with the "parts" that make up your inner experiences and outlook. In short, Focusing offers ways to be with those parts of us that feel scared, stressed, depressed, confused, and anxious in ways that feels supported and manageable. 



Polarity Therapy is a natural health care system that works with the Human Energy Field based on the work of Dr. Randolph Stone.  Energy fields and currents exist everywhere in nature, including our Body! Polarity Therapy asserts that the flow and balance of electromagnetic currents in the human body are the foundation of good health, just as electromagnetic currents of the earth affect the health of the planet. 

In a typical session, the practitioner assesses energetic "currents" using palpation, observation, and conversation. Sessions may involve varying types of touch  (including longer "holds", rocking, point-specific touch, off-body work, and deeper touch), exercises, dietary recommendations, vocalizations, and visualizations. Loose, comfy clothing is recommended as disrobing is not necessary. 

During the session, the practitioner supports the client in increasing awareness of their own subtle energetic sensations. The results of Polarity Therapy sessions may include profound relaxation, a deeper awareness of energetic currents, feeling more grounded and integrated, and shifting of old tensions or trauma patterns held in the tissues of the body.

Click here to learn more about Polarity Therapy







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