Casey Hayes Massage
Finding Balance Through Bodywork

The Nitty Gritty

Services offered...

My practice is grounded in Polarity Therapy, Focusing, and integrative bodywork. Guided visualizations, embodiment practices, cultivating Presence, and other modalities and approaches are woven together to  support health and wellness from the inside out. Teaching and co-creating practices support you in your own healing and gives you the tools to deepen that well-being between sessions. Please feel free to connect with me for more information about what and how I practice  I'm delighted to talk with people about possibilities  


What to expect...

Sessions are generally last 2 hours, and may run long on your first session.  Especially for the first few sessions, I encourage clients, when possible, to allow some space after their session for moving, settling, and integrating before stepping into busy or stressful routines. We tend to live in a "hurry up and relax" culture, so I encourage you to give yourself this gift to just "BE". 

Each session begins and ends with a check-in. This is a great time to bring up any questions, preferences, issues, insights, or requests. I may ring a bell or just invite you to take a slow, conscious breath as you "arrive" in this place and this moment, bringing attention to you, just as you are right now. 

I encourage you to share anything that may be "up" for you in the moment. Open communication is one of the most important aspects of the work we do together. Remember, this is YOUR session, and a time to honor your own body wisdom and healing process. Please don't hesitate to ask for what you need. For those who are new at self-care, this is a perfect practice ground for identifying, honoring, and responding to your own needs with care and compassion!

Together, we discover what is needed and appropriate for your system in this moment. Your session may include table time, movement, discussion, guiding, ritual, or something we create in the moment. 

Once the session is complete, I will step out of the room, giving you the time you need to integrate and come back into the "outer" space. We will finish up with a final check in. 

A word about COVID protocols: At this time, I am limiting "in person" sessions to those who are up to date on vaccinations and boosters. Focusing, in particular, lends itself well to video/ phone sessions, and I've come to learn how much can be addressed, explored, and learned even from a distance. If you have questions about seeing me in person or via phone/ video chat, please call. 



Beginning June 1,2024 my base fees are as follows: 

$145/ 90 min

$180/ 2 hrs

Longer or shorter sessions can be scheduled as needed.

A note about fees: I do have a sliding scale that slides both ways. Any gratuities offered are received with appreciation and go toward supporting this work being available to those in our community whose financial situation is strained. It is my intention that my services be available to anyone who might benefit. I ask that clients pay what feels sustainable, and understand that, for many of us, especially now, financial solvency can ebb and flow. That said, I will continue to offer this policy as long as it is sustainable and trust the integrity of my clients to offer what they can when they can. When every body does better, everybody does better.


© Copyright 2024 Casey Hayes Massage. All rights reserved.